Our Sunday 9:00am Parenting Lifegroup (with childcare!!) begins again August 4th. Please let Pastor Lisa know you are joining so we can have books for you!
9:00 – 9:45 am Sunday Mornings
Sign up by submitting the form below.
Questions? Contact Pastor Lisa: 317-370-4794
- The class begins August 4th.
- Join us as we continue to learn together to parent with God’s grace!!!
- The parents that were part of our earlier classes are eager to return to the classroom!
- If you have not been able to join our earlier classes it is still easy to jump right in!
- Talk to some of them and let them tell you how it helped them to parent differently - more optimistic, more doable and more successful!
- Childcare will be provided with an informal Sunday School class for 1-5th graders, playtime for 3 year olds – Kindergarten, and Nursery for babies – 3 years old.
- Book and workbook provided!
Sign up by submitting the form below.
Questions? Contact Pastor Lisa: 317-370-4794