I was never a boy scout. I went to one meeting, thought it was boring and refused to go back. But, I've always respected those who lived out the scout law, they seek to be "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." As I have met scouts and former scouts (including my own father who was an Eagle Scout) I see these attitudes and ethics woven into the fabric of who they are.
There is one other thing a scout tries to be, ready. A scout is supposed to be prepared for any situation. If there is an emergency, they are ready to help. If there is a need to make a fire...they have the ability to rub sticks together; they are prepared. In 1 Peter we see a verse that tells us to be ready too; but not to make a fire or help an old lady across the street. We are supposed to always be ready to share the good news. It says in 1 Peter 3:15 "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." We are all (not just pastors) supposed to be ready to share our faith. Are you ready to do that? Could you share the gospel with a friend or neighbor who asked about your faith? I remember the first time I tried...I crashed and burned hard. I had just given my life to Jesus and one of my friends at school asked about it...and I didn't know what to say. I mumbled a few things about love and forgiveness; but I didn't know how to explain what I felt and believed. I wish I could go back and get a re-do on that conversation; but life doesn't work that way. I missed that chance and I regret it to this day. But, since then I've shared my faith hundreds of times with many many people and have been able to lead some of them to faith in Jesus! I've gotten better through practice. Are you ready? Have you taken the time to think through what you would say if God gives you the chance to share your faith? You should be, we all should be. You never know when someone you know will need the hope of Jesus...and you can be his messenger; if you are ready. In Christ, Pastor Scott
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May 2024