Back in 8th grade I was in a terrible Christian garage band with several of my friends from youth group. My buddy John played guitar, Ryan played drums and I was on vocals. We didn't have anyone on bass, so sometimes John's dad played in the band with us (embarrassing). We did a bunch of covers and a few original songs...mostly just 80's and 90's worship stuff. Really we sat around a lot when we were supposed to be practicing and came up with cool band names. We had way more names for our band than songs or gigs. At one point we were called "Straight up Sideways" "The Squared off Circles" "Hey that's My Mailbox" and "Definitely Maybe"...but our normal name for our Youth Group band was "The Ed's" (short for Everyday Disciples). Most of those were just silly, but everyday disciples is actually pretty good. I don't know who came up with that one; but I think it's powerful.
We tend to think of the Disciples (Capital D) as the 12 guys that Jesus handpicked and hung around with. But a disciple is just a student or learner. Anyone who learns from a teacher (a coach, a professor, a pastor, a rabbi) is a disciple of that person. They seek to learn from them and to be "like" them in some ways. We are all, as followers of Jesus, everyday disciples. In our everyday lives, at work, at home, in school, at the store, at the movies...we represent and follow the example and teachings of Jesus. Everyday is another opportunity to follow Him and his way. Be a disciple. Be one every day. Today, tomorrow and each day you have life. If you mess up, that's ok; that's what grace is for. Try again tomorrow. We are all "The Ed's" In Christ, Pastor Scott
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May 2024