Over the next few weeks here at Six Points, we have several major events happening that could have eternal ramifications.
First, 20 students and 4 adults from our church will head to Oklahoma Wesleyan University for a week of church camp where they will have a chance to grow in their faith (and have a lot of fun too!). Last summer, 4 of the students who went were baptized while at camp and we are praying that God will once again do a mighty work in their lives. Will you join me in not just praying for safety (but please do) but also for salvations, calls to ministry, commitments to sanctification and other moves of the Spirit in their lives? Then, District Conference is coming up and our church will be sending 3 delegates to represent us as a church. Pray that they will help our District and Denomination make wise choices as we seek to be faithful to our call. That weekend is also VERY special as our own Andrew Colaw has completed his ordination requirements and been approved to become an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church. We will have a special celebration for him on Sunday, June 26, after church and hope you will join us to congratulate him on that day for fulfilling the call God put on his heart! Finally, our VBS is coming up fast as well. This year's MEGA Sports Camp will be a lot different, but looks to be a lot of fun. We already have over 80 volunteers and 85 kids signed up with several weeks to go...we are praying that God will use this 4-day experience to reach kids with the good news of Jesus' love for them. Last summer, over 20 kids accepted salvation! Will you pray that, once again, God would do a great work at Six Points? We are working hard as a staff and team of volunteers to get ready, lots of preparation is going on...but it's all done with a great purpose in mind; a kingdom purpose. God is on the move and we are going to be ready! John 4:35 "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for the harvest!" In Christ, Pastor Scott
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May 2024